Friday, November 9, 2012

The Founding of Our Country and its Legacy

My girlfriend is taking an American History course. Her coursework, from time to time, causes me to think about the world differently.  This most recent occurrence was fueled by the Andrew Jackson's 1830 State of the Union Address.  In this address, President Jackson states "It is, therefore, a duty which this Government owes to the new States to extinguish as soon as possible the Indian title to all lands which Congress themselves have included within their limits."

This singular statement, coupled with conversations we've had about eminent domain, made me think about how many generations and various groups of people have been oppressed and impacted by the greed of the majority.  It feels like constant "I want more", no matter how much I have.

It is also the "we're better than you" thought process that has suppress and oppress others.  There was no basis for this other than the physical appearance of being different.  The consequences, however, have wrecked generations of "others".

As we move forward, we must acknowledge that while the bulk of the current majority population is not responsible for the acts of their forefathers and doesn't even share their views, there are lasting ramifications that must be recognized and addressed, from the removal of native populations to the physical oppression of forced immigrants,  we've all been touched by actions that occurred hundreds of years ago.

Read more:
State of the Union Address: Andrew Jackson (December 6, 1830) —

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