Friday, November 2, 2012

The inspiration for this blog

It's November 2012, and it's election time.

We are bombarded with vote yes on this, vote no on that, vote for this person, don't vote for that person. I see a commercial for one position on a ballot question during one commercial break and then see a different commercial against the same ballot question during the next commercial break. And they both use the same policy report as reference.

The hate speech against Question 4 (The DREAM Act) and Question 6 (Marriage Equality Referndum) disturbs me to my soul. More on this later.

An then, I came across this blog about Achievement Scores.  And this made me really think about my future in Public Policy.  I am really disturbed by inequality, in any form, racial and socioeconomic, in particular.  I have some thoughts about the policies discussed in the blog that I will share in a later entry.

Lastly, please be mindful that these are my individual thoughts, the thoughts, and opinions of Corris PA Davis, only.  Not Corris the TRIO staffer, or Corris, the board member of any board I may be a member of, but Corris, the black woman who grew up in West Baltimore and has come to see the world in my own way.  Thanks for reading.

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